The gasmask as an icon: Welcome to the new age...


With the advent of Coronavirus 19, there is a new day dawning across the nation and across the world. This is the age of the mask. It has long been the subject of writers of fantasy and eroticism. Doomsayers have preached from the street corners, proclaiming the beginning of the end. And now, the governments of the world are joining in the mantra, demanding that we as a species cover our faces, our very breath feared to be toxic.

Perhaps there has been wisdom all along in the Eastern cultures who predominately cover their faces as a protection against the elements and as a barrier against infidelity and lustful interactions. Perhaps this new age will see the advent of burkas, chadors, niqabs, and hijabs that incorporate the ability to defend against chemical as well as biological and spiritual threats.

In any event, the threat is real and there has never been a better time to prepare for a defense against the Covid virus by using a military surplus gas mask. This virus spreads by touching the nose and mouth to transfer the disease. A silky cloth mask does not create a real barrier, (you can easily reach up underneath it to scratch your nose and mouth).